At 2:18 PM -0500 1/10/01, Chuck Umeh wrote:
>I'm using htdig in my company's website and  the htdig search engine 
>does not work because of a corrupted database, I started the rundig 
>script to re-index the database and the process has been running for 
>more than one week. Any clue on how to resolve this problem or what 
>might have caused it.

What caused which problem? Corruption? I dunno--what causes bit rot in general?

Things taking a week? I'm guessing you're not indexing a large chunk 
of the internet, so I would guess that you've probably gotten the 
indexer into an infinite loop. How big are the databases--did they 
fill the disks or get larger than 2GB each?

You might try running htdig alone with the command-line flags "-v -i" 
which will create the databases from scratch (-i) and provide a 
progress report as it goes (-v).

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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