Well it finally finished about 1 hour after i sent the first E-mail. To my
surprise the databases are approx 150 meg. I had figured on at least 500 meg. I
am using the ht://Dig 3.2.0b2. I  think it's the beta version. As far as the
time it took, i ran vmstat and top while inthe process and my hardware is a
definate factor. The processor is slow...ram is low. Basicly I ran out of
memory then started swapping out to disk..then became i/o bound waiting on I/O.
I have a 4 cylinder when I need a V8.  :>) .

    Any how I will upgrade later...

Another question .. after the htdig/htmerge I pasted the search.html into the
index.html file. Then I played a game of who has permission. Finally I got it
to work...Approx 1-2 hours messin around. I notice that what ever i search on
the result "Scores" are all the same 1 star. Also the "Sort by Title" is out of
order. Is this a bug or a bad setup by me?



Jason Meyering wrote:

> You might want to check if you've got a server_wait_time setting.  Here's a
> description from http://www.htdig.org/attrs.html#server_wait_time
> This attribute tells htdig to ensure a server has had a delay (in seconds)
> from the beginning of the last connection. This can be used to prevent
> "server abuse" by digging without delay. It's recommended to set this to
> 10-30 (seconds) when indexing servers that you don't monitor yourself.
> Additionally, this attribute can slow down local indexing if set, which may
> or may not be what you intended.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pat Lennon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 4:29 PM
> To: Ing. Noel Vargas Baltodano
> Subject: Re: [htdig] How Long???
> WOW!! 5 minutes.... I have the turtle version..RedHAt Linux 6.1 P150 64 meg
> ram. It's benn running for approx 20 hours now.  :>)
> -P
> "Ing. Noel Vargas Baltodano" wrote:
> > Hi Pat:
> >
> > It depends on what kind of hardware and resources it's running. Ours has
> > 10 times less than that and runs in about 5 minutes. Since our own
> > pages change radically every day, I'm running htdig to build the database
> > from scratch every day.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Noel Vargas Baltodano
> >
> > Gerente de Sistemas
> > Nicatechnologies, S.A.
> > http://www.nicatech.com.ni
> >
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