On 02/07/07, Tobias Kremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just upgraded to the latest svn version and suddenly I am getting a
TT error for all forms that utilize select fields: "file error - : not found"

I have also upgraded the root/formfu TT snippets using

Catalyst::Helper::HTML::FormFu uses HTML::FormFu::Deploy, which uses
HTML::FormFu::tt_files, which was out-of-date with the root/

I'm going to have to write a script for cpan releases, which will
automatically remember to update the tt_files.pm file from the
templates - in the meantime though, I've just uploaded a 0.01000_03
release with the appropriate update to tt_files.pm

Also remember that if you don't pass the '-force' option to
myapp_create.pl, that it won't overwrite your existing files, but will
instead create a file of the form 'filename.new'.


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