On 14/08/07, Moritz Onken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I started today using FormFu and I just like it! Carl, you did a very
> good Job!

Thanks - I'm glad it's useful.

> But I ran into one problem. I want to use multiple submit buttons. The
> common way is, to set a value on each and check that value later to
> determine which has been clicked.
> That's fine asa long as your page is in only one language.

Could you not do something like:

if ( $form->param( 'submit_1' ), eq $form->loc( 'submit_1' ) ) {
    # submit_1 pressed
elsif ( $form->param( 'submit_2' ), eq $form->loc( 'submit_2' ) ) {
    # submit_2 pressed

That's assuming the form is created something like this:

      - type: submit
        name: submit_1
        value_loc: submit_1
      - type: submit
        name: submit_2
        value_loc: submit_2

The only potential problem I think think of with this approach is if:
* you're storing the user's language choice using a session or cookie
* after viewing the page containing the form, but before submitting the form...
* ...the user uses a 2nd browser window to change their language choice
You could prevent this by also storing the language choice in a hidden
field, and then doing $form->languages([ $form->param('lang') ])
before doing the 'eq' checks.

> I thought of a hidden field whose value is being changed on submitting
> (by JS).
> If there is no better way I will write an element for that and publish it.

I'd like to make sure that nothing in the core relies on JS for
functionality - so make sure you pick an appropriate namespace if you
write something like that.

For example, I've created a couple of elements in the
HTML::FormFu::Element::Dojo::* namespace which use the dojo javascript
library (although even these degrade gracefully and are usable without
See http://html-formfu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/HTML-FormFu-Dojo/


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