On 17/08/07, Brian Cassidy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Carl Franks wrote:
> > Sigh, I just didn't want to mess people about by renaming all the
> > Element files to CamelCase - when I did the exact opposite 5 months
> > ago.
> > That's really the only reason I suggested such a complicated solution.
> > And I feel the current inconsistency has the potential to cause
> > confusion further down the line.
> I think we're in a good spot right now because of the fact that FormFu
> has yet to have a non-dev release -- we can waffle a bit with the API
> and syntax.

Yes, the reason I've held off making a CPAN release, is to make sure
that as far as possible, nothing is ever broken after the first public
Still though, this change will be a pain in the arse, even for
so-called alpha testers.

The following one-liner should be sufficient to automatically fix most
yaml form configs, but the only way to do it both bullet-proof and
automatically would be to use YAML.pm - and then you'd probably loose
your hash ordering.

perl -lpi -e 

Where 'form.yml' is your file name, of course.
This handles strings without quotes and within single quotes - if you
use double quotes, swap both \x{0027} for a ".
Windows users will have to change the -e '' to -e ""

> You claim that the "type" param is far removed from perl class names --
> i don't really agree since it basically represents which class to
> initialize for that element (especially for custom elements:
> "+My::Element").

I just meant that the thing we're ultimately representing - a type of
xhtml form field - is far removed from what we're using to represent
it - a Perl class-name.


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