Hi Oleg,

> The new directory structure is in place. One should be able to build
> HttpCore along with NIO extensions and HttpAsync using Maven. HttpCore
> site and assemblies are still broken. I am going to fix them over the
> weekend. Meanwhile you can go ahead with fixing the Ant build

I've been working on the Ant build for a few hours now. I don't want
to use the Maven structure for intermediate and result files. It
simplifies the build.xml a bit if I can put them all under
httpcore/build and /httpcore/dist instead of splitting the stuff in
httpcore/module-main/{build|dist} and httpcore/module-nio/{build|dist}.
I'm also creating only a single JAR file with both traditional and
NIO classes. I'm not sure yet whether I'll implement conditional
compilation for JDK 1.3. I'm leaning towards "no", as it saves time
and because we don't need to duplicate everything in our build.

I have noticed some inconsistencies in the directory structure.
The contrib package on the top level is fine by me. In both modules,
the main and test classes are below src/main/java and src/test/java.
But module-main/src/examples and src/contrib do not have a java
subdir. I guess the java subdir is coming from Maven, as I don't
see any point in it for our pure-Java project. No harm done though,
the nested directories are annoying with or without another one.

Then I noticed that the NIO classes are in org.apache.http.nio.
But they seem to be implementation classes only. Shouldn't they
be in org.apache.http.impl.nio instead?


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