Hello Asankha,

> I am from the Apache Synapse team, and would like to use HttpAsync in
> Apache Synapse as a non blocking HTTP client. However there doesn't seem
> to be any releases of HttpAsync yet on the maven repos. Could someone
> let me know the timelines when this would be made available..

I'm afraid we're still a long way from something I would consider
release quality code. Even alpha. HttpAsync lacks in both functionality
and tests. I wanted to work a little on it the last few weeks, but
there were changes in HttpCore that simply have a higher priority
at this time. Now autumn is coming near, which means I'll have to
spend lots of my private time on preparing a lecture I'm teaching.

Unlike in summer, I don't plan to cut HttpAsync development down
to zero. Still, I don't expect major improvements until the end of
my christmas holidays. Mid-January maybe. Whether that will be
release quality is a different question.

Of course things will change if other developers join the project :-)
Suggestions, for example a list of requirements (and priorities?),
would be very welcome, too.


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