Hi Oleg,

> Actually I think HttpClientConnection and HttpServerConnection are not
> very good names for those interfaces. I would prefer those interfaces to
> be renamed to HttpOutgoingConnection and HttpIncomingConnection.

I've checked RFC 2616. In section 1.3, these terms are defined:

      A program that establishes connections for the purpose of sending

      An application program that accepts connections in order to
      service requests by sending back responses. [...]

Section 1.4 also starts by introducing the terms client and server in
the first paragraph. I think the sendXXX and receiveXXX methods are
the most characteristic ones in the connection interfaces. The client
side has methods to send requests and receive responses, while the
server side has methods to receive requests and send responses. So
I doubt you'll find more appropriate names, except maybe for inserting
"side": HttpClientSideConnection, HttpServerSideConnection.

> If do
> not object to such a change, would you mind if I spit the interface into
> HttpOutgoingConnection (sans #open()) and HttpClientConnection for the
> time being, so I could go ahead with my work on NIO extensions?

I am warming up to the idea of moving the functionality for opening to
an extra interface. A lot of our code deals with reading and writing only,
and expects a connection that is already open. An extra interface would
help to distinguish those parts of the code. I expect such a split to come
back and haunt us when we deal with connection management, but if it helps
to overcome the current roadblock, so be it.
I'm still looking for a good name for the extended interface. Most ideas
result in uncomfortably long names. I hate those, as my editor is set to
80 columns, and out indentation style already wastes plenty of horizontal
space. My current favorite is HttpClientConnectionBox... you have to open
the box in order to use the connection :-)


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