On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 16:12 +0200, Roland Weber wrote:
> Hi Oleg,
> I've had some time to relax and think about connections.
> As a result, I would like to sum up what I think you are
> trying to achieve. Please have a look through it and
> correct me where I got you wrong...
> In HttpClient, the Connection class directly implemented
> all the functionality that was needed. In HttpCore, the
> HttpClientConnection interface started out in a similar
> fashion, providing basically all the methods we expected
> an application or any component to be interested in.
> If I got your intentions right this time, you are trying
> to change that. Instead of a full-blown abstraction for
> client connections, you want HttpCore to define a kind of
> adapter interface, which holds only those methods that
> are required within HttpCore. Defining a full-blown
> abstraction is left to HttpConn.
> The responsibility for opening a connection should be moved
> outside of HttpCore. Hence, the interface does not need to
> specify an open(...) method. HttpCore does not care where
> the connection points to, hence the interface does not need
> a getTargetHost() method. SocketFactory is only needed to
> open a connection, hence it is not needed in HttpCore.


I am trying to keep HttpCore as a minimalistic, transport agnostic
protocol layer, that is usable with classic I/O sockets, NIO channels,
abstract I/O transports such as MINA and what not. The job of HttpCore
should be in my opinion to ensure RFC 2616 compliant serialization and
deserialization of HTTP messages.

> Have you considered ConnectionReuseStrategy? If opening
> connections is not the responsibility of HttpCore, then
> deciding on reuse vs. opening a new one shouldn't be either.

ConnectionReuseStrategy is not really needed for the client side. It is
a must for the server side HttpService, though. It is used on the server
side to determine whether a connection can be used for subsequent
requests or it should be dropped in order to delimiter the response


> cheers,
>   Roland
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