Almost forgot to mention, in terms of the cookiestore I basically performed
these actions:

            final List<Cookie> cookies = getCookies(context);

            logger.debug("{} Storing {} response cookies to cache id {}.",
new Object[]{id, cookies.size(), clientSessionId});

            final List<Cookie> serialisableCookies = new

            for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
                logger.debug("{} Storing cookie '{}' to cache.", id,

                serialisableCookies.add(new SerializableCookie(cookie));

            // this is sent to memcached

 private  List<Cookie> getCookies(final HttpContext context) {
        final CookieStore cookieStore = getCookieStore(context);

        final List<Cookie> cookies = cookieStore.getCookies();

        return cookies;


            final CookieStore targetCookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();

            List<Cookie> cookies = cachedTargetSession.getTargetCookies();

            // Add all the extracted cookies to the cookie store.
            for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {



2009/4/8 Chris Lowe <>

> Sam,
> Here is something that I used to achieve a serializable cookie.  I was
> storing cookies into memcached so I wanted to minimise the footprint of the
> serialized object to maximise my cache and since (for my app anyway) most of
> the cookie fields were null I used a null mask to save having to store null
> references/empty fields.
> Hope it's useful,
> Chris.
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import java.util.Date;
> import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie;
> import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BasicClientCookie;
> public class SerializableCookie implements Cookie, Externalizable {
>     private static final int NAME = 0x01;
>     private static final int VALUE = 0x02;
>     private static final int COMMENT = 0x04;
>     private static final int COMMENT_URL = 0x08;
>     private static final int EXPIRY_DATE = 0x10;
>     private static final int DOMAIN = 0x20;
>     private static final int PATH = 0x40;
>     private static final int PORTS = 0x80;
>     private transient int nullMask = 0;
>     private transient Cookie cookie;
>     public SerializableCookie() {
>         super();
>     }
>     public SerializableCookie(final Cookie cookie) {
>         super();
>         this.cookie = cookie;
>     }
>     public String getName() {
>         return cookie.getName();
>     }
>     public String getValue() {
>         return cookie.getValue();
>     }
>     public String getComment() {
>         return cookie.getComment();
>     }
>     public String getCommentURL() {
>         return cookie.getCommentURL();
>     }
>     public Date getExpiryDate() {
>         return cookie.getExpiryDate();
>     }
>     public boolean isPersistent() {
>         return cookie.isPersistent();
>     }
>     public String getDomain() {
>         return cookie.getDomain();
>     }
>     public String getPath() {
>         return cookie.getPath();
>     }
>     public int[] getPorts() {
>         return cookie.getPorts();
>     }
>     public boolean isSecure() {
>         return cookie.isSecure();
>     }
>     public int getVersion() {
>         return cookie.getVersion();
>     }
>     public boolean isExpired(final Date date) {
>         return cookie.isExpired(date);
>     }
>     public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
>         nullMask |= (getName() == null) ? NAME : 0;
>         nullMask |= (getValue() == null) ? VALUE : 0;
>         nullMask |= (getComment() == null) ? COMMENT : 0;
>         nullMask |= (getCommentURL() == null) ? COMMENT_URL : 0;
>         nullMask |= (getExpiryDate() == null) ? EXPIRY_DATE : 0;
>         nullMask |= (getDomain() == null) ? DOMAIN : 0;
>         nullMask |= (getPath() == null) ? PATH : 0;
>         nullMask |= (getPorts() == null) ? PORTS : 0;
>         out.writeInt(nullMask);
>         if ((nullMask & NAME) == 0) {
>             out.writeUTF(getName());
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & VALUE) == 0) {
>             out.writeUTF(getValue());
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & COMMENT) == 0) {
>             out.writeUTF(getComment());
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & COMMENT_URL) == 0) {
>             out.writeUTF(getCommentURL());
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & EXPIRY_DATE) == 0) {
>             out.writeLong(getExpiryDate().getTime());
>         }
>         out.writeBoolean(isPersistent());
>         if ((nullMask & DOMAIN) == 0) {
>             out.writeUTF(getDomain());
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & PATH) == 0) {
>             out.writeUTF(getPath());
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & PORTS) == 0) {
>             out.writeInt(getPorts().length);
>             for (int p : getPorts()) {
>                 out.writeInt(p);
>             }
>         }
>         out.writeBoolean(isSecure());
>         out.writeInt(getVersion());
>     }
>     public void readExternal(final ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
> ClassNotFoundException {
>         nullMask = in.readInt();
>         String name = null;
>         String value = null;
>         String comment = null;
>         String commentURL = null;
>         Date expiryDate = null;
>         boolean isPersistent = false;
>         String domain = null;
>         String path = null;
>         int[] ports = null;
>         boolean isSecure = false;
>         int version = 0;
>         if ((nullMask & NAME) == 0) {
>             name = in.readUTF();
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & VALUE) == 0) {
>             value = in.readUTF();
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & COMMENT) == 0) {
>             comment = in.readUTF();
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & COMMENT_URL) == 0) {
>             commentURL = in.readUTF();
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & EXPIRY_DATE) == 0) {
>             expiryDate = new Date(in.readLong());
>         }
>         isPersistent = in.readBoolean();
>         if ((nullMask & DOMAIN) == 0) {
>             domain = in.readUTF();
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & PATH) == 0) {
>             path = in.readUTF();
>         }
>         if ((nullMask & PORTS) == 0) {
>             final int len = in.readInt();
>             ports = new int[len];
>             for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
>                 ports[i] = in.readInt();
>             }
>         }
>         isSecure = in.readBoolean();
>         version = in.readInt();
>         final BasicClientCookie bc = new BasicClientCookie(name, value);
>         bc.setComment(comment);
>         bc.setDomain(domain);
>         bc.setExpiryDate(expiryDate);
>         bc.setPath(path);
>         bc.setSecure(isSecure);
>         bc.setVersion(version);
>         this.cookie = bc;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public String toString() {
>         if (cookie == null) {
>             return "null";
>         }
>         else {
>             return cookie.toString();
>         }
>     }
> }
> 2009/4/8 Sam Crawford <>
> Okay thanks for the quick response.
>> Regards,
>> Sam
>> 2009/4/8 Oleg Kalnichevski <>
>> > On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 10:14:57PM +0100, Sam Crawford wrote:
>> > > Evening,
>> > >
>> > > Does anyone know if any work has been conducted on serializing
>> > ClientCookies
>> > > and CookieStores? (specifically BasicClientCookie and BasicCookieStore
>> > > implementations).
>> > >
>> >
>> > Not that I know of. HTTP state persistence is out of scope for
>> > the HttpClient project.
>> >
>> > Oleg
>> >
>> >
>> > > I'm looking at writing these out to a permanent store so that I can
>> > persist
>> > > sessions between application instances.
>> > >
>> > > I appreciate it's relatively straight-forward to extend these classes
>> and
>> > do
>> > > it manually, but I thought I'd ask the question first to see if
>> anyone's
>> > > seen anything similar out there (or in case I've overlooked something
>> > > obvious).
>> > >
>> > > Thanks,
>> > >
>> > > Sam
>> >
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