On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 15:16 -0700, Dennis Heimbigner wrote:
> Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
> > On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 13:21 -0700, Dennis Heimbigner wrote:
> >> As I understand it, in httpclient 4,
> >> each credentials provider is solely responsible
> >> for caching of credentials.
> >>
> > 
> > Actually it is AuthCache [1].
> That does not seem correct to me. I looked
> at AuthCache (BasicAuthCache actually) and it never
> even references a credentials provider. It is
> caching a map of HttpHost->AuthScheme.

Why should it? This is what credentials provider is for. The cache
contains auth challenges HttpClient can successfully respond to, not
user credentials.

> So I looked ocurrences of AuthProtocolState.FAILURE
> and while the AuthCache is invalidated, nowhere that I
> can find is any corresponding credentials provider
> be notified.

I am not entirely sure why it should be notified. There is no definitive
way of telling why a particular auth response got rejected (other than
parsing the response body). 

You might create an object, tough, that is both credentials provider and
auth cache.


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