On Fri, 2014-03-28 at 15:12 +0000, Matt Russell wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm hoping someone can help me diagnose an intermittent "407 Proxy
> Authentication Required" error when using HttpClient through an NTLM proxy.
> I've found that I always get a 407 responses, unless I first go and fetch
> any web page in a browser. After I load a page, I get "200 OK" responses
> for 30 seconds via HttpClient, after which it reverts to 407s.
> (My guess is that this is because HttpClient is handing off the
> authentication to the OS, as is the web browser, and the browser request
> causes an authentication token to be cached for a while, which lets
> HttpClient work until it expires.)
> I'm using HttpClient 4.2.3 on Windows XP, proxy is squid/2.7.STABLE4. I've
> tried both with and without a JCIFS NTLM engine, but it seems to make no
> difference. Java code and logs below.


Both JCIFS and the internal NTLM engines are pure java, platform
independent implementations that make no use of Windows specific
functionality. This is all I can tell you.

There is only one person on the project with in-depth understanding of
NTLM. You may want to try your luck posting this question to the dev
list along with Wireshark packet dumps of successful and unsuccessful
session (this is the first thing you most certainly will be asked to


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