On Sat, 2014-03-29 at 07:01 -0700, marceau wrote:
> I would like to get bytes sent & received for each get request in a service.
> I am aware of the issue in
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HTTPCLIENT-1081 with HEAD requests,
> and any request where getMetrics() is called after the connection has been
> returned to the pool.
> However, I get the impression that, as I extract the desired information
> even before I process the entity in the response, I am not affected by that
> problem.
> I AM however affected by the fact that the metrics seem to represent the
> total for that connection, rather than the total for the request-response
> round that was just completed. That is a problem when working with
> concurrent system with reused connections.
> I thought I might try to work around this by caching the metrics before the
> request as well as after, and saving the difference. This is, however, not
> possible. I get a connectionshutdownexception (Exception in thread "3"
> org.apache.http.impl.conn.ConnectionShutdownException), which I'm guessing
> is down to the fact that I'm basically trying to use a connection that is at
> that time still used by another thread (as it may have been leased to
> another thread by the pool).
> I'd be grateful for any pointers or guidance. 

Connection metrics were initially designed to enable custom connection
re-use strategies (like re-use for n requests or n bytes transferred)
and as such are pretty adequate. They were never intended to be used for
per request stats.

Theoretically one can derive per request stats from connection metrics a
custom request interceptor and a custom re-use strategy (see code
snippet below) but unfortunately it only works with persistent
connections. With non-persistent connections metrics are discarded
before they could be read by the custom re-use strategy. Sadly this
approach cannot be utilized until HTTPCLIENT-1081 is resolved.


CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom()
        .addInterceptorFirst(new HttpRequestInterceptor() {
            public void process(
                    final HttpRequest request,
                    final HttpContext context) throws HttpException,
IOException {
                HttpClientContext clientContext =
                HttpConnection conn = clientContext.getConnection();
                HttpHost targetHost = clientContext.getTargetHost();
                System.out.println("target:" + targetHost);
                if (conn != null) {
                    HttpConnectionMetrics metrics = conn.getMetrics();
                    System.out.println("bytes sent:" +
                    System.out.println("bytes received:" +
        .setConnectionReuseStrategy(new DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy()

            public boolean keepAlive(
                    final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext
context) {
                HttpClientContext clientContext =
                HttpConnection conn = clientContext.getConnection();
                HttpConnectionMetrics metrics = conn.getMetrics();
                System.out.println("bytes sent:" +
                System.out.println("bytes received:" +
                return super.keepAlive(response, context);
CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(new
try {
} finally {

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