Hi All,

We are using Apache HTTP client 4.2.5 and we have both connection and
sockettimeout set. All the requests are passed via proxy (Apache HTTPD).
During peak loads in our production environments one of the proxy became
unresponsive. All the requests passing via that proxy had 3 states:
1. Some of them got socket timeout
2. some of the requests were hung and never came out
3. After long time we got connection timeouts

Our area of concern is 2nd state where some of the threads are hung and
never timeout. Now from my understanding connection timeout is the max time
period between connection request obtaining connection and socket timeout
is the max time of inactivity between any data packets. I wonder the 2nd
state requests have obtained the connection and was not able to send its
fist data packet. can anybody suggest if my think approach is in right
direction. If so how can we timeout such intermediate requests. If not any
reason why could these go into infinitely hung state.

Srihari NA

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