Hello Oleg,

I'm sorry, I misstated the problem.  The problem is that in the sequence below, 
the connection is closed and not put back into the pool for reuse (which 
remains open until it is closed after the TIME_WAIT expires).

How can I just put the connection back into the list of available connections 
so it can be reused?  I don't see anywhere in the objects available to do that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Oleg Kalnichevski [mailto:ol...@apache.org] 
Sent: mardi 16 décembre 2014 09:35
To: HttpClient User Discussion
Subject: Re: PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager leaking connections

On Mon, 2014-12-15 at 15:41 +0000, Maurice MILLS wrote:
> I am using HttpComponents 4.3.1 in my project and have recently run into a 
> problem where PoolingHttpClientConnectionMananger is leaking HTTP 
> connections.  Normally this doesn't pose a problem because they are cleaned 
> up after 60 seconds of TIME_WAIT, however we are creating > 30k threads and 
> this is causing us to pass the limit of available ports for the client 
> machine and the threads start failing.
> In my code I use an HttpPut to call my server.  As described in the 
> documentation when I'm done, I do a reset().  Below is the stack trace that 
> shows where the problem is (PrsClientHttpResponse is my class):
> PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.releaseConnection(HttpClientConnect
> ion, Object, long, TimeUnit) line: 280
> ConnectionHolder.abortConnection() line: 132
> ConnectionHolder.cancel() line: 141
> HttpPut(AbstractExecutionAwareRequest).cancelExecution() line: 99
> HttpPut(AbstractExecutionAwareRequest).reset() line: 167
> PrsClientHttpResponse.close() line: 87
> Steps:
> -------
> 1.       ConnectionHolder line 141 calls ConnectionHolder.abortConnection()
> 2.       ConnectionHolder line 125 (in abortConnection) calls 
> managedConn.shutdown to close the connection
> 3.       ConnectionHolder line 132 (in the finally of abortConnection) then 
> calls manager.releaseConnection to release the connection
> 4.       PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager line 280 calls pool.release with 
> the 2nd parameter = false (because the connection was just closed)
> 5.       CPool line 311 removes the entry from the list of leased connections
> 6.       CPool line 314 is false, so the entry is not readded to the list of 
> available connections (and therefore no longer referenced by the pool to be 
> cleaned up later)
> I have not found any methods on the classes that allow me do anything other 
> than what I have described.  Am I doing something wrong?
> Thanks,
> Maurice

I am not sure I am seeing a connection leak here as the connection in question 
gets closed and correctly evicted from the pool. 

Please see an explanation of what TIME_WAIT is here 


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