I am using Spring RestTemplate as my HttpClient in my project and I want to
use connection pooling feature with RestTemplate. After reading more on
HttpClient and RestTemplate, I was able to come up with this example which
uses PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager class with RestTemplate but I am
pretty sure the way I am using is not right. Can anyone help me to
understand what is the right way to use these two in my below code.

I have put everything in gist here -


Also below is the code as well which shows how I am using.

    public class DataClient implements Client {

        // here I am setting request factory to my RestTemplate
        private RestTemplate restTemplate = new
        private ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

        // for synchronous call
        public DataResponse executeSynchronous(DataKey key) {
            DataResponse dataResponse = null;
            Future<DataResponse> future = null;

            try {
                future = executeAsynchronous(key);
                dataResponse = future.get(key.getTimeout(),
            } catch (TimeoutException ex) {
                // log exception
                dataResponse = new DataResponse(null,
DataErrorEnum.TIMEOUT_ON_CLIENT, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
                future.cancel(true); // terminating tasks that have timed
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // log exception
                dataResponse = new DataResponse(null,
DataErrorEnum.CLIENT_ERROR, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);

            return dataResponse;

        //for asynchronous call
        public Future<DataResponse> executeAsynchronous(DataKey key) {
            Future<DataResponse> future = null;

            try {
                Task task = new Task(key, restTemplate);
                future = executor.submit(task);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // log exception

            return future;

A simple class which will perform the actual task:

    public class Task implements Callable<DataResponse> {

        private final DataKey key;
        private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

        public Task(DataKey key, RestTemplate restTemplate) {
            this.key = key;
            this.restTemplate = restTemplate;

        public DataResponse call() {

            // use RestTemplate here to make Http call and get the data
            // and then return the "DataResponse" back


Below is where I am having PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager
initialization as part of singleton class. Do I need this class at all if I
want to use RestTemplate with PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager?

    public class RestTemplateConnectionPooling {

        private final HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory
= new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();

        private static class Holder {
            private static final RestTemplateConnectionPooling INSTANCE =
new RestTemplateConnectionPooling();

        public static RestTemplateConnectionPooling getInstance() {
            return Holder.INSTANCE;

        private RestTemplateConnectionPooling() {
            RequestConfig requestConfig =
poolingHttpClientConnectionManager = new

            CloseableHttpClient httpClientBuilder =



        public HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory getRequestFactory() {
            return requestFactory;

Now my question is - Does this look right the way I am using RestTemplate
with PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager? Is there any better way to use
connection pooling with RestTemplate?

I am using http-client 4.3.1 and spring-web 3.2.8.

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