Your server is overloaded or persistent connections got shutdown by a fw 

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> Den 13. jul. 2015 kl. 09.58 skrev Check Peck <>:
> Does anyone have any idea on this?
>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 6:24 PM, Check Peck <> wrote:
>> I am using Apache HttpClient 4.5 version in my library and I am seeing
>> below exception coming up always: I am not sure from where this exception
>> is coming.
>>    I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when
>> processing request to {}->http://machineA:8080: The target server failed
>> to respond
>>    - Retrying request to {}->http://machineA:8080
>>    - I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when
>> processing request to {}->http://machineA:8080: The target server failed
>> to respond
>>    - Retrying request to {}->http://machineA:8080
>>    - I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when
>> processing request to {}->http://machineA:8080: The target server failed
>> to respond
>>    - Retrying request to {}->http://machineA:8080
>>    - I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when
>> processing request to {}->http://machineB:8080: The target server failed
>> to respond
>>    - Retrying request to {}->http://machineB:8080
>> I am using "RestTemplate" as my HttpClient in one of my library and with
>> "RestTemplate" I am using PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager and other
>> properties of Apache HttpClient as shown below.
>> Here is my "DataClient" class as shown in this gist -
>> And here is my simple class which will perform the actual task:
>> And here is my factory which I am using to create a single instance of
>> "DataClient" which means, it will also have single instance of
>> "RestTemplate" as well:
>> And this is the way I will make a call to get the data from my
>> "DataClient" library:
>>    DataResponse response =
>> DataClientFactory.getInstance().executeSync(dataKey);
>> Now my question is - Why I am seeing that exception, do I need to worry
>> about anything with the above exception? And how can I suppress that
>> exception if there is any way to fix it?
>> In my "DataClient" class, I am making HttpClient connection by using
>> various properties.

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