We have moved from the blocking client (PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager) to the async one (PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager), and we are starting some tests to check performance. We have a test app that sends xml requests to our proxy. If the response is not found in cache, the proxy uses the http client to get the responses from the back end. Starting 20 threads, with the blocking client we reach about 700 requests per second. With the async client, the pattern we are seeing is: 20 requests are processed, then a 5 second pause, then 20 more requests processed, 5 second pause, etc. Obviously we have something misconfigured in our async pool. We though that the problem could come from the max htttp connections allowed, but checking the log: [exchange: 2537] start execution [exchange: 2537] Request connection for {}-> Connection request: [route: {}->][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 0 of 2147483647; total allocated: 0 of 2147483647] Connection leased: [id: http-outgoing-209][route: {}->][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 2147483647; total allocated: 1 of 2147483647] [exchange: 2537] Connection allocated: CPoolProxy{http-outgoing-209 [ACTIVE]} http-outgoing-209<->[ACTIVE][r:]: Set attribute http.nio.exchange-handler http-outgoing-209<->[ACTIVE][rw:]: Event set [w] http-outgoing-209<->[ACTIVE][rw:]: Set timeout 50000 http-outgoing-209 [ACTIVE]: Connected http-outgoing-209<->[ACTIVE][rw:]: Set attribute http.nio.http-exchange-state Start connection routing Connection route established [exchange: 2537] Attempt 1 to execute request Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED http-outgoing-209<->[ACTIVE][rw:]: Set timeout 1000 http-outgoing-209 >> POST /wsserhs/rhodasol HTTP/1.1 http-outgoing-209 >> content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=ISO-8859-1 http-outgoing-209 >> host: ws.rhodasol.es http-outgoing-209 >> user-agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.4.1 (Java/1.7.0_75) http-outgoing-209 >> x-ventusproxy-id: bnVsbHxudWxsfG51bGx8bnVsbHxudWxsfG51bGx8QlI2MzczfFRFU1RNQ3xGUkF8bnVsbHwyMDA4 MDYwMnxudWxsfG51bGx8MTguMnwxOS4yfDIwLjF8MTguM3wxOS48bnVsbD58MjAuMnwyMi5jb3Vu dHJ5MzF8MjM uMHwyNC5FU1B8MjIuYXJlYXwyMy4wfDI0LjExfDIyLnJlZ2lvbnwyMy4wfDI0LnwyMi5jaXR5fDI zLjB8MjQufDIyLmFjY29tbW9kYXRpb25Db2RlfDIzLjF8MjQufDIyLmFjY29tbW9kYXRpb25UeXB lfDIzLjF8MjQuMHwyMi5jYXRlZ29yeXwyMy4xfDI0LnwyMi5wc mljZVR5cGV8MjMuMnwyNC4zfDIyLm9mZmVyfDIzLjJ8MjQufDIyLmNvbmNlcHR8MjMuMnwyNC58M jIuYm9hcmR8MjMuMnwyNC58MjIuY2FuY2VsUG9saWNpZXN8MjMuMnwyNC4xfGlzby04ODU5LTE= http-outgoing-209 >> x-forwarded-for: http-outgoing-209 >> Content-Length: 1368 http-outgoing-209 >> Connection: Keep-Alive http-outgoing-209<->[ACTIVE][rw:]: Event set [w] http-outgoing-209 [ACTIVE] Output ready [exchange: 2537] produce content [exchange: 2537] Request completed (etc). I can send more information about this log and our pool configuration. But since the pattern is so clear, maybe someone has experienced something similar and can tell me whats wrong. I suppose that the following is not related with this issue, but we have and idleConnectionHandler that is executed every 5 seconds. Thanks, Joan.