I canot speak for HttpClient5, but If you are just looking to change some 
timeouts on the request, in 4.5.5, I do this (as recommended from this emai 
list some time ago!).

I guess its not too differenent for HC5 (?)

- Create a shared HTTPClient instance. this is used by all requests in the JVM 
and is instantiated on first use.
- each request (thread) grabs the shared client (it is thread safe)
- each request (thread) creates its own request context
- set the request type specific timeout on the request context (note internally 
in our app we apply different timeouts depending on several factors (message 
type,client etc))
- execute the request on the shared client with the request context

Seems to work fine...

Some snippets

// in a client factory class I create the client based on sensible timeout 
// this populates a static httpclient which can be returned by a static 
getClient method to all threads needing a httpClient
CloseableHttpClient newClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().useSystemProperties()
TimeUnit.MINUTES).setConnectionTimeToLive(maxLife, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

statichttpClient = newClient;

// within the request
httpClient = HttpClientFactory.getClient();

// create the context for this thread
HttpClientContext httpContext = HttpClientContext.create();
HttpResponse serviceResponse = httpClient.execute(httpRequest, httpContext);

// make the request config
private RequestConfig getRequestConfig() throws PCEConfigParamNotFoundException 

// setup request timeouts
return RequestConfig.custom().setConnectionRequestTimeout(aaa). 
setConnectTimeout(bbb). setSocketTimeout(ccc).build();

-----Original Message-----
From: / [mailto:isla...@yahoo.co.uk.INVALID] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 4:01 PM
To: httpclient-users@hc.apache.org
Subject: Re: Fwd: HttpClient5 : simple example on how to configure timeout 
after build()


if I understood correctly, the pattern should be:

1) Create a RequestConfig (rc) object and keep it.
2) If you need to modify httpclient, modify the kept RequestConfig object
3) After doing said modifications **re-create httpclient** with kept 
4) Keep the RequestConfig.
5) Keeping a client and modifying it as see fit is/will be deprecated.

can I extract a RequestConfig from current client, modify its timeout 
and then re-create a client with this cloned-and-modified RequestConfig? 
(so as not to keep a RequestConfig at all but remember all the settings 
I did to my client).


On 16/05/18 17:42, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> On 5/16/2018 8:09 AM, / wrote:
>> I am looking for an example on how to configure HttpClient5 after it 
>> has been built and how to extract/print some of its configuration.
>> Once I have an HttpClient object, how do I go about and change some of 
>> its settings, for example connection timeout or user-agent-string or 
>> even cookie jar?
>> I am looking for the most straight-forward and efficient way to do 
>> this. I don't care about "fluent" APIs neither about streams etc.
>> something like:
>> myclient.setParameter(connection_timeout, 1000); 
> For the most part, you can't change settings on an existing HttpClient 
> object.  Since about 4.3, the objects and methods that allow clients to 
> be changed after creation are all deprecated. That capability is 
> completely gone in 5.x.  Default settings are managed with builder 
> objects using fluent methods, then you create the client object with the 
> indicated settings.  Here's how I create a client object with explicit 
> defaults using non-deprecated code in the 4.5 version:
>    RequestConfig rc = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectTimeout(15000)
>            .setSocketTimeout(120000).build();
>    httpClient = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultRequestConfig(rc)
> .setMaxConnPerRoute(300).setMaxConnTotal(5000).disableAutomaticRetries()
>            .build();
> The httpClient field is an instance of HttpClient.  I do not know what 
> kind of adjustments might need to be made for 5.x, but that should give 
> you an idea about how things are done since the way you're trying to do 
> it is no longer available.
> Many of the settings you might be interested in can also be changed at 
> the request level.  I do not know HOW to do this, only that it CAN be 
> done.  I think this is what Oleg was referring to in his reply.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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