On Wed, 2018-05-16 at 22:40 +0300, Дмитрий Жихарев wrote:
> Oleg,
> realistically I would expect the default timeout to be around 5
> seconds, as is the default value in the
> PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager ( https://github.com/apache/httpco
> mponents-
> client/blob/master/httpclient5/src/main/java/org/apache/hc/client5/ht
> tp/impl/io/PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.java). IIRC, it was 2
> seconds in the 4.4 release. To me, for an http call 3 minutes looks
> like an eternity. But that's just my opinion.
> I've made a small example: https://github.com/jihor/async-http-client
> -notimeout-demo
> In the demo project, HttpAsyncClient 4.1.3 is used.
> The example runs 2 http post's (one without timeout, the other with a
> timeout) on each of the following clients:
> - (sync) client with default configuration
> (HttpClients.createDefault()). This client will wait endlessly if no
> timeout is defined in the request;
> - (sync) client with custom RequestConfig. This client will always
> exit after its timeout expires even if the request has no timeout
> defined;
> - asyncClient with default configuration
> (HttpAsyncClients.createDefault()). This client will wait endlessly
> if no timeout is defined in the request;
> - asyncClient with custom connection manager and custom ioReactor.
> This client will always exit after its timeout expires even if the
> request has no timeout defined.
> To me, it seems like a pitfall that default configurations offer
> unlimited timeouts for the requests which don't request specific
> timeouts using request configs. 


There are plenty of web services (specially in the corporate world)
that take minutes to spit out some sort of a response back to the
client. 5 seconds as a default would be _way_ too aggressive in my
opinion. In fact, anything below a minute as a default could break a
lot of applications.

I am in favor of using a finite socket timeout by default in HC 5 but
it should be reasonably conservative.



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