
   I am the current maintainer of the Kong/unirest-java library. Unirest
has always been a simplified fluent wrapper for Apache Http Client.
Recently with Apache Client 5 in beta I decided to start playing around
with upgrading to it and I would like to provide some feedback.

    1. I cannot figure out how to configure a request and execute it
        a. ClassicHttpRequest has no setConfig(RquestConfig) method
        b. ConfigurableHttpRequest (and SimpleHttpRequest) do but
CloseableHttpClient has no method to execute such a request. It looks like
the ONLT way to execute one of those is through the async client?

    2. Similarly on the CloseableHttpAsyncClient I cannot see a way to get
this to work with ClassicHttpRequest? It wants to use SimpleHttpRequest but
SimpleHttpRequests don't have a way to set a more complicated Entity like a
multipart form with octet-streams?

    3. SimpleHttpResponse does not handle GZIPed responses and I found I
needed to uncompress the bytes myself.

    4. The docs and examples seem to flip back and forth between new and
old ways of doing things. I would be nice to have a "upgrade guide". I
would be happy to help put that together once I figure out how to upgrade
Unirest :)

I don't want to be totally negative, I think your new fluent interfaces are
great, one of the reason folks tend to use Unirest is that it's "simple"
and hides the complexity of previous versions of Http Client. I'm also
super excited to be able to take advantage of HTTP/2. Keep up the good work!

Ryan Bergman (@ryber)

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