I've got an application, which is sending a SOAP request to an
external server via a corporate proxy, which I do not control. Sending
the request fails with a message "HTTP/1.1 500 handshakefailed".
However, sending another request via SoapUI through the same proxy
works just fine.

In order to find a difference, I detected a surprising fact: Th
Wireshark trace shows, that SoapUI is doing an HTTP CONNECT, rather
than an HTTP POST. The complete headers look like this:

    CONNECT proxy.company.com:443 HTTP/1.1
    Host: reverseproxy.othercompany.com
    Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
    User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)

The proxy servers response is

    HTTP/1.0 Connection established.

The rest of the connection is mainly unreadable, except for some
words, which make me believe, that an SSL Certificate is being passed
through from the remote server to my client.

My impression is, that SoapUI establishes an SSL connection to the
proxy server, although I did not configure it to do so. (In fact, the
SoapUI preferences do not provide that option, AFAICT.) Perhaps SoapUI
does so, because the remote URL is an https URL?

My question is: How can I configure the Apache HttpClient to do the
same? Obviously, SoapUI does that, because the headers show, that it
is using Apache HttpClient, too, albeit a different version.
Currently, my proxy related code looks like this:

    CredentialsProvider provider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
    UsernamePasswordCredentials upc = new
         UsernamePasswordCredentials(getUserName(), getPassword());
    if (getProxyUrl() != null  &&  getProxyUserName() != null) {
        provider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(getProxyUrl().getHost(),

                new UsernamePasswordCredentials(getProxyUserName(),

    provider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, upc);

Thanks in advance,


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