Yes, smartblend can be used with hugin.  I've also found that smartblend
does a better job than enblend in some circumstances (specifically, less
patching to do at the zenith), and am now using it for most of my
production work.

However, recent hugin builds pass arguments to the blender specified in
Preferences which smartblend doesn't understand, so they need to be
stripped in order for smartblend to work.  You didn't say what kind of
system you're working on.  The instructions below are for linux, but I'm
sure something similar will work on other systems.  If you're not sure
how to set it up on Windows or Mac, just ask and some of the resident
experts can help you out.

1. Install wine if you don't already have it, from your distribution's
standard repositories or from  (Smartblend.exe
runs fine on linux under wine.)

2. Download smartblend from and
unzip the archive to a convenient location.  Open a terminal in that
location and enter "wine smartblend.exe", just to make sure everything
is working so far.  You should get a usage message from smartblend.exe.

3. Save the following script as "smartblend" somewhere in your path, and
make it executable.  Edit the third line to point to where you unzipped
smartblend.exe in the previous step.  The purpose of the script is to
strip out the offending arguments which hugin is passing to the blender.
It also prepends "smartblend-" to the output filename, so you won't
inadvertently overwrite a file that you've blended with enblend.

     SMARTBLENDARGS=`echo $* \
        | sed -r "s/--compression NONE //" \
        | sed -r "s/--compression PACKBITS //" \
        | sed -r "s/--compression LZW //" \
        | sed -r "s/--compression DEFLATE //" \
        | sed -r "s/-f *[0-9]+x[0-9]+ //" \
        | sed -r "s/-l *[0-9]+ //" \
        | sed -r "s/-o +([[:alnum:]]+)/-o smartblend-\1/"`
     echo -e "\nExecuting smartblend.exe $SMARTBLENDARGS\n"
     exit 0

4. Now start up hugin, select File -> Preferences -> Enblend, and enter
"smartblend" as the "Enblend executable".  Leave "Default Arguments"
blank.  You should be good to go: generating a blended panorama from the
Stitcher tab in hugin should now produce a smartblended panorama.


On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 13:05 -0700, irv wrote:

> I have been a Hugin user for several yearsand must congratulate Pablo
> and the team of contributors for their outstanding acheivements.  My
> primary usage of Hugin is to generate a higher resolution image, from
> which I can print large (24"x36") prints. I typically will shoot a
> matrix; 2x2, 3x3, 3x5 and higher. I highly recommend the use of a
> tripod to minimize image motion, but have often shot handheld when the
> shutter speed is relatively fast. The robustness of the algorithms in
> Hugin and Ptgui have increased exponentially (at least to me) in the
> past years-I whimsically shot a series of images in Yosemite N.P. at
> Glacier Pt. of the entire valley. By this I mean I paid little
> attention to leveling, overlap in x&y, I think the array was a
> "drunken" 4x5! The stitched imaged, however, was quite sober! Very
> impressive.
> To my question:  Are there any plans to permit Smartblend to be used
> with Hugin?  When Enblend doesnt get the 'sky' just  right I find that
> Smartblend (with PTgui) does quite better and much faster. The
> difference is attributeable to Smartblend, if I use Enblend with Ptgui
> the results are similar with Hugin.
> Thanks to todays 'Pano' programs I have an adjustable 'infinite wide
> angle lens' (my 24-70) without the distortions created by the 10-20,
> 12-24 ultra wides, plus my normal perspective is maintained.
> Keep up the great work!!!
> > 

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