On Nov 9, 12:00 am, "Erik Krause" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Saturday, November 08, 2008 um 14:10 schrieb Bart.van.Andel:
> >  After removing these wrong matches, the problem was
> > solved. It took quite a lot of effort to remove all these CPs by hand
> > though.
> The place to do that is the global control point table (F3). First
> sort by right image, then sort by left image. Now scroll down and
> compare image numbers.

That is one possible way to deal with it, although maybe not the most
intuitive one, having to sort twice first. Using a graph displaying
thumbnails of the images and connections between them if Hugin found
at least one matching CP, it should be far more easy to see the
correspondences found by Hugin very quickly. Especially with a large
number of input images. It could be as simple as found in M. Brown and
Lowe's paper on "Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant
Features" (http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~mbrown/papers/ijcv2007.pdf, top of
page 5).

> compare image numbers. If it is a one row panorama any image n should
> have control points to n-1 and n+1 only. If it is a 360° one the last
> image should have points with the first one of course.

This is only true of course if the images are taken in order, and it
doesn't apply to multi-row panoramas either.

> Ususally there are few wrong points only, hence you might spot them
> in the "P CP" (private control point number) column, too.

Ah, that's what "P CP" stands for. I assume that "G CP" then stands
for global control point? Guess this is one of these examples where
tool tips come in handy :)
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