On Mon 19-Jan-2009 at 17:42 -0500, Daniel M. German wrote:
>If equisolid means equal solid angle, then it is semantically
>equivalent to equal area in an azimuthal projection.

It seems that both names are in common use - An equisolid lens 
produces equal area photographs, and a lambert equal area azimuthal 
is the equivalent cartographic term.

>I actually think we should keep fisheye as the prefix to the name of
>input projections, and well established mapping names for the output
>projections. What do others think?

I can imagine wanting to remap a 'lambert equal area azimuthal' 
panorama and being confused that I need to import it as an 
'equisolid fisheye'.

..but a photographer who has bought an equisolid lens wouldn't 
expect any other name.


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