Hi David,

 just to add my thoughts.

  1. I use --wExposure=1 --wSaturation=0 --wContrast=0 with enfuse to
     minimise haloes.

  2. Although I am a fan of enfuse (see "Image Blending with enfuse"
     at http://www.lightspacewater.net/Tutorials/) there are times
     when tonemapping works better.

     http://viewat.org/?hd=1&i=en&id_aut=139&id_pn=3210&sec=pn shows a
     panorama composed of images preblended with enfuse from 6 2-stop
     exposure bracketed jpegs --  parameters as in 1.

     http://viewat.org/?hd=1&i=en&id_aut=139&id_pn=3226&sec=pn uses
     the same inmages merged to hdr with Debvec's hdrmerge and Erik
     Reinhard's tm_photographic. 

     The images a quite similar in quality, but, if you look straight
     up, the rendering of the silver leaves agains the sky is _much_
     better with the tone-mapped version, whereas enfuse turns some
     leaves black.

     Does anlyone know how to stop enfude doing that? Or is it
     inhernet in the method.

  3. There are cases where the above tonemapping approach is not as
     good as enfuse:

     Moving water -- tonemapping leaves "black holes", enfuse gives
     really nice results.

     Moving clouds.

     Direct sun.

  4. As I said in an earlier email, I am planning to change my
     approach by using 3 bracketed 14bit raws in place of 6 jpegs.
     I am in the process of comparing extracting multiple jpegs using
     dcraw -b followed by enfuse and  using pfstools to generate an
     exr followed by tm_photographic. I'll report back when I have
     definite results. I'll also hopefully have stm in use by then.


Peter Gawthrop


From: David Brodsky <tre...@sinister.cz>
Subject: [hugin-ptx] Re: HDR post processing.
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 10:36:57 +0100

> Hi,
> Erik Krause wrote:
> > D. Beynon wrote:
> > 
> >> I have been spending some of my free time over the last few months
> >> working on a command line based HDRI processing/tone mapping toolkit
> > 
> > Is there really anyone using HDR tonemapping to get a viewable panorama 
> > after there was enfuse? I see the necessity of HDR merging to get 
> > panoramas for image based lighting, but I never saw a result of HDR 
> > tonemapping (whatever algorithm) that surpasses an enfused result in 
> > terms of natural appearance except maybe after long tweaking.
> That may be true, but enfuse introduces "flare" around objects with sky
> as a background. I've made quick preview that can be visible on
> http://trekie.sinister.cz/enfuse.jpg and
> http://trekie.sinister.cz/enfuse2.jpg (higher contrast). I've labelled
> parts of the image (source exp, enfuse and tonemap) and marked areas on
> which this effect can be seen.
> The tonemap part is just for comparison, I haven't tweaked it much. I
> don't like answering questions like: "Why does this building shines?"
> Is there an easy way to get rid of this effect?
> Regards,
> David Brodsky
> > 
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