Okay I have to admit that the files I fed into Hugin were quite
different from normal panorama input. Instead of using pictures taken
from a single point, I moved the camera along the scene. This will
obviously make it more difficult to find a "pleasing" solution, but I
wasn't going for the aestetics anyway. Still, errors like this
shouldn't occur, even with the strangest input.

Basically, the pictures themselves are normal 35mm (equivalent)
rectilinear pictures (within the margin of the camera of course), with
a 4:3 ratio. The final output has a ratio of about 7:2, so not really
strange here. All 31 images are connected. The output TIFFs are all
normal, except for the final output, which is an illegal/incomplete 8
byte file.

I've just uploaded both the pto and the log as Google documents:

pto: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhb9htjv_20fnckngd6
log: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhb9htjv_21dczt5bdd

The log seems a little bit different from what I posted above, as you
can see. Either the logging system doesn't always handle the output in
the correct order, or things are really not always executed in order
and may interfere???

I've encountered the error with the enblend.exe bundled with Hugin-
svn3649, which is enblend version 3.2. No options changed, except for
TIFF compression.

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