On Wed 25-Feb-2009 at 10:17 +0100, luca vascon wrote:
>2. I could never ever stitch a circular fisheye image with it. So far
>command line original Dersch software was more intuitive to me.

I think this is because you are expecting it to work like ptgui, the 
hugin system is actually much easier to use and more versatile:  

'circular fisheye' allows you to add a circular mask to the photo, 
the mask just controls the area you want to include in the stitch.  
This circle is simply a mask and doesn't effect the field of view or 
lens correction parameters - i.e. you can readjust the mask at any 
time without having to reoptimise the project.

>I can't find my originals any more. Other time will be dedicated in
>rebuilding an SVG version (thanx inkscape!!!)

There is a small simplified SVG version here:


>Download page in hugin website for snapshots need UPDATING,
>explanations and things...
>I'm always lost.

Yes, the website needs fixing, it should just point to Yuval's blog 
for info about binary snapshots.


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