
Is there an anomaly in the GUI when tabbing between fields in Hugin on
Mac OSX, please? When I am editing values in, say, the Stitcher tab
and moving between fields using Tab or Shift-Tab the focus moves to
the new field but inserts a cursor, rather than highlighting the
previous value. This means I have to either double click in the field
or delete the previous entry before I can enter the new value. This is
not a huge problem, but contrary to the way most programs handle
tabbing between fields. Do other users experience this, or have I set
something incorrectly, please?

I have only recently tried Hugin (release 0.7.0) and I have to say it
is absolutely superb! The auto estimate and auto fine tune functions
make entering control points so much easier than with the other
programs I have tried.

Kind regards


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