1- when hitting the 'align'  button in first tab, it opens all the time 
the normal preview window.
This is weird, because if you use the fast preview window, you get the 
two windows being opened...
Could it be possible to choose which window it will open ? (in preference?)

2- The fast preview window does not seem to share the same buffer with 
the normal preview window (this one being shared with the exposure 
correction step, I think), which means the image scaling is done at 
least twice.
Could the image scaling be done once for all, and not for each step? Is 
there a technical reason for the OpenGL preview to have it separed?

3- I've encountered issues with the fast preview not working correctly, 
maybe linked with the new projection, but I was not able to reproduce 
it. (The updating of the image would go crazy here, updating the image 
very slowly).
Not sure what is the exact cause.

Y. Tennevin / esby

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