On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 07:36:38AM +0900, Ippei UKAI wrote:
> To all,
> I think I've missed a very important information. Compiling is not as  
> simple as building one target in Xcode as I thought.
> And silly me, Harry and I have written a tutorial last year:
>   http://wiki.panotools.org/Build_a_MacOSX_Universal_Hugin_bundle_with_Xcode
> SDK will let you skip steps through 3.4 to 5.3. You can setup your  
> machine with section 3.1 to 3.3, install the new SDK, continue from 5.4.
> Ippei

yes, thanks, that helps a lot :)

i still have msgfmt errors in the build. i've reinstalled via ports per the wiki
instructions and these binaries are installed

michaeltn:~ michael$ which gettext
michaeltn:~ michael$ which msgfmt

otherwise i'm following the wiki docs. is there a place to define paths in 
perhaps i simply need to define inside xcode the /opt/local/bin path?

-- michael 

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