I think that the mac-hugin-SDK is a very good idea, but I'm affraid it is a
little more complicated than mentioned in the
http://wiki.panotools.org/Build_a_MacOSX_Universal_Hugin_bundle_with_Xcode for
the SDK and Ippei's comment. To use it like in the SDK Ippei published, we
need to extend the Buildconfig.xconfig a little. If I do an otool -L in
Ippei's SDK for the libraries it says
name>" and for the binaries likewise.
(For non-OSX users: This install_name (or install path) is very important to
build Hugin and create a self-contained bundle).

The Buildconfig.xconfig  script (and the Setenv-universal.txt file during
build)  is based on the fact that the install_name is the same as
REPOSITORY_ABSOLUTE_PATH. The Buildconfig.xconfig should also contain
something like INSTALL_NAME_PATH for the SDK in it's current form to work,
which also needs a small modification of the follow-up scripts. But that can
all be done.

Either we should make the SDK more general by running a script over the
libs, bins (and pkgconfig's ?) before  distirbuting it, or the SDK should be
created from a more general location.
That's one of the reasons why I made my External_Programs an external
directory outside the hugin trunk:
whereas my hugin trunk directory can be anywhere within my user space.
(note: the hugin_related is there as I use the same construction for other
I can copy this "SDK directory" to every mac used by every user-id possible.
This next to the fact that I can drop my hugin trunk directory and/or
recreate multiple copies (like in the gsoc_2008 branches) without ever
having to recompile or worry about my libraries and bins and path and
install_names they might contain.

I will take a look at my libs collection and see if I can make that as an
SDK. Unfortunately I'm on a business trip until Thursday night, so that
"look at" will most possibly be this weekend.


2009/3/1 Ippei UKAI <ippei_u...@mac.com>

> To all,
> I think I've missed a very important information. Compiling is not as
> simple as building one target in Xcode as I thought.
> And silly me, Harry and I have written a tutorial last year:
> http://wiki.panotools.org/Build_a_MacOSX_Universal_Hugin_bundle_with_Xcode
> SDK will let you skip steps through 3.4 to 5.3. You can setup your
> machine with section 3.1 to 3.3, install the new SDK, continue from 5.4.
> Ippei
> On 2009-03-02, at 06:57, Michael Galloway wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 09:08:18PM +0100, Kornel Benko wrote:
> >> Am Sonntag 01 März 2009 schrieb Michael Galloway:
> >>> line 41: msgfmt: command not found
> >>>
> >>> when running customs shell scripts, inside the build process.
> >>
> >> On unix, this is part of the "gettext"-package.
> >> Googling with "msgfmt mac", the first entry was
> >>      http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?t=72591
> >> .
> >> So on mac it is  gettext-tools.
> >>
> >>      Kornel
> >
> > thank, did a bit more googling and tried this:
> >
> > mkdir -p /SourceCache
> > cd /SourceCache/
> > curl -O ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.17.tar.gz
> > tar zxf gettext-0.17.tar.gz
> > cd gettext-0.17
> > MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.5 CFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch
> > i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe -no-cpp-precomp" CCFLAGS="-arch ppc -
> > arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe" CXXFLAGS="-arch
> > ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe" LDFLAGS="-
> > arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -bind_at_load" ./
> > configure --enable-shared
> > sudo make
> > sudo make install
> > which gettext
> > /usr/local/bin/gettext
> >
> > then restarted xcode but still get the msgfmt errors.
> Have you tried "which msgfmt"?
>  >

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