> Rich wrote:
> > On 2009.03.06. 12:40, Alexandre Duret-Lutz wrote:
> >> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:
> >>> It's nice to see some hugin pictures in the 'mainstream media',
> >>> gadl's little planets were on the Daily Telegraph site yesterday:
> >> What's frustrating is that when I answered to the journalist's email,
> >> I raved about how these pictures was built using only free software
> >> (with links to gimp, hugin, mathmap, enblend) and shared under a
> >> Creative Commons license.  To bad he did not mention any of this in
> >> his story.
> >
> > i'd suggest (politely, of course ;) ) emailing & explaining that you
> > feel it was an important information lost.
> > unfortunately, most journalists tend to be extremely ignorant about
> > topics they write - maybe you can get them to showcase another
> > weeplanet, this time adding information about creating them ;)
> Ignorant or fearful - many of them perceive CC-licenses and free
> software as a threat to their jobs.
> It does not help that Alexandre is employed by a university. An argument
> heard too often is that people licensing their work under free licenses
>  have other sources of income and can afford to "ruin the market" to
> those earning their living in the software and media industry. Needless
> to state here that the argument is totally wrong.
> There is a lot of (hidden) resentment in the air - similar to the
> resentment that call center agents have toward outsourced off-shore call
> centers, or the resentment that typewriter-makers and secretaries of the
> seventies had toward personal computers.

Well I think more like BugBear that the journalist just didn't bother
much...Actually I feel like it's more and more of a problem nowadays. It
seems like everyone calls him/herself a journalist, and sadly quite often
the articles are quite limited, contain wrong terms, are based on nothing
except other articles found on the Internet...

Here I guess the journalist put some nice pictures, because that's what
people will look at. As for the text that goes with it, well I guess he just
took some of the things written by Alexandre, without bothering explaining
some complex terms (what any "real" journalist would/should do, when
writting an article for non specialists), and removing what he thought was
useless...But reading the comment, it looks like quite a lot of people would
have liked to know that Alexandre used Hugin to create the 360-180°
panoramas, and other open source softwares...

Anyway, Hugin is really great, and I promote it to all my friends ^^


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