> Doesn't compile here (Arch linux), probably it's missing some linker flag:
> undefined reference to `wxTCPConnection::wxTCPConnection()'
> undefined reference to `wxTCPServer::~wxTCPServer()'

Seems that the patch requires wxNet on Linux:

Could you try to change in CMakeList.txt (in trunk) line 108
SET(wxWidgets_USE_LIBS base core xrc html xml adv gl)
SET(wxWidgets_USE_LIBS base core xrc html xml adv gl net)

This should add wxNet to PTBatcherGUI and I hope, then it compiles.

Little background: I need some kind of inter process communication to
transfer the command
line parameters. I tried to use wxConnection/wxClient/wxServer from
wxWidgets. On windows
it uses DDE which is in the wxBase. But as I see from your post, on
linux it uses a TCP protocol
which is only in wxNet.

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