Welcome Yulia,

Yulia wrote:
> spent quite a bit of time trying to compile the code on mac os.

congratulations. that's not the easiest platform to deal with.

> Instructions
> in the most cases are straightforward and easy to follow (there were a
> couple commands that are outdated.

you're encouraged to sign up for a wiki account and update them.

> Right now the issue that I'm having is that when I try
> to stitch images together, it throws an error.

I'm not sure about the current status of SVN, and even less in relation 
to building on OSX. Maybe Harry can recommend an SVN revision that is 
known to work?

Other than that, errors are the daily bread of development. You're 
invited to check if there is a similar report in the bug tracker and add 
details there, or start a new ticket there.

> Would it be ok to ask for help with set up in this mailing list?

yes! we are all here to help. There is plenty of expertise on this list 
and the way you are asking I am confident somebody with the right skills 
and some time at hand will jump in and help you. I'm sorry I don't know 
much about setting up the develeopment environment on OSX.

> UofT

acronyms, acronyms, can you expand?

> studying AI.

I guess artificial intelligence?

> 1) does it matter which platform I am developing on?
 > (at school I program on Mac and Linux only)

no. as long as you get the code to build on your platform and provide a 
simple patch to show proficiency of your tools, you're free to use any 
platform you feel comfortable with. It will be a requirement for your 
code to work on all platform when integrated in Hugin, but this is 
something for which you'll get community help from people experienced in 
those other platform. For example last year Tim developed Celeste on 
Ubuntu. Harry helped him getting it to work on OS X and I helped him 
getting it to work on Windows.

> 2) what level of detail do you expect to see in the proposal when it comes
> to implementation? (Obviously I will study the code as much as I can in the
> time left, but I cannot guarantee that I would be able to say precisely
> which data structures, functions etc. I plan to implement).

I don't think that we need so much implementation detail as to a 
complete analysis of data structures and functions / API. What we want 
to see is in the case of a project such as lens calibration (which 
implies the development of algorithms, some of which are still 
experimental) is:

* research of prior work. are there papers out there detailing math 
formulas that may be interesting for the task at hand?

* a schedule with a break down of the different task that can be 
planned. You can not predict that one algorithm will be useful as 
intended, but you can predict the time it takes to test (in Octave or 
similar tools), the time it takes to implement a stand-alone proof of 
concept in C++ and the time it takes to integrate in Hugin.

* an objective, stating what the intended achievement is.

> Sorry for longish email and thank you for your time.

no worries, your email is very relevant and it is my pleasure to take 
the necessary time to answer it.

Looking forward to read more from you. But first things first, get your 
school assignment done :-)


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