2009/4/6 Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch>:
> Hi students,
> Please post in reply to this thread a list of other mentoring
> organizations you have applied to. If you have applied to no other
> mentoring organization but Hugin, just say so.
> Some of you have been proactive and provided that information with your
> application. Thank you.
> This year Google is using a new webapp and the advanced indication of
> multiple applications is not yet implemented like in the old webapp.
> You will save us a lot of time by giving us this information now.
> Duplicate applications will be sorted out before the list of admitted
> students is published, and having the relevant information early will
> help us optimize our participation in that process.
> Thank you
> Yuv
> >

Hi Yuv,
I've applied only to hugin.

Have a nice day,

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