hi all,

after surmounting some minor difficulties with autopano, i ended up
with a stitched and blended pano. file size is 2.51GB - a 16-bit per
channel TIFF. i blended manually with the latest enblend available for
Mac available on Harry's web site, because the plugin for Hugin
crashes on my system due to a memory issue. i set enblend to use the --
compression=NONE option (and the -v and -m 2500 options; none other).

Hugin's output (or better: Enblend's output) is not read by photoshop.
photoshop says that it isn't recognized as an image file.

i was under the impression that photoshop CS3 can read tiff files up
to 4GB in size. i know that it should, because i have worked in
photoshop in 2+GB tiff files before, although i usually save them as
PSB if they're so big. regardless, 2.5GB should not be a problem
strictly due to the size.

does anyone know what can be done to improve matters?

normally, i tend to resort to NIP2 - an app that's good at handling
enormous files. i then let NIP2 re-save the file after removing the
alpha channel from Hugin's output and then it's usually ok for
photoshop. however, i recently reinstalled my OSX and no longer have
NIP2. it can only be acquired by  compiling it from source using
macports. that failed due to error messages i don't understand. so i'm
pretty much f****d now...

any help will be much appreciated.

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