Hi All,

Will working on a fix for 2805120
came across something that I would like some clarification on.

When one loads images into Hugin, it will attempt to compute an exposure
value.  This only works if EXIF data in available in the image.  If not, the
exposure value will default to 1.  Except if another image is already loaded
in the panorama.  If that is the case, and it is the same size (and if the
same make and model and focal length), then the exposure value from that
image is copied to this one.  To me, this seems like madness.  I can
understand what one may be wanting to acomplish with but...that small voice
inside of me is saying "danger, Will Robinson, danger!"

The fun really starts when one loads an image without EXIF data and then
later adds another with EXIF data.  The first image comes, asks for an HFOV
and assumes an Ev of 1.  Ok, I can go along with that, gotta pick something

Now, add the second image (with EXIF data).  Hey...It comes in with an Ev of
1 too...Nice....:-(  Since the second image is of the same dimension as the
first, Hugin also assumes you are using the same lens and sets this image to
the same HFOV that was guessed for the earlier image.  But this second image
actually has EXIF data and one can obtain the the true HFOV.  So hit the
load EXIF button.


Now the exposure value of the second image is 13 stops higher than that of
the first (in my test images).  But the HFOV is good..... You just have an
image so bright in the preview that one might have well pointed the camera
at the sun.

Now my questons:

Why does hugin deal with absolute values of exposures of images?

Can we bring in all of the images with an exposure of zero and then just
apply exposure compensation instead?


- Gerry

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