
I wonder if Hugin could be the tool I need for astro-photography.

I'd like to take large-field fotographs of the sky, where Milky Way
rules. Because of earth movement, I can't do really long exposure
shots; perhaps about 30 seconds for small focal length lenses (~18 mm)
and 5-10 seconds for medium ones (~50 mm). Moreover, I must take very
high sensitivities 1600~3200 ASA to get something similar to an sky
image ;-) So, the result will be very noisy.

So my plan is to take many such photos, centered in the same star-
spot, and average them in order to increase S/N ratio. But, because of
earth rotation, the images will be slighted tilted from one to

That's the reason I think Hugin can help. I can put all the images in
Hugin and select some stars as anchor-points from one image to
another. So, my plan is not really make a big panorama, but average a
lot of near-framed images, with rotation and displacement corrected by

Can Hugin do this? suggestions?


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