Hi, I'm starting a new thread on this as the old one has gotten too

First some background.  Hugin's autopano-sift-C project builds 3
  generatekeys finds SIFT keypoints in one image and puts them in an
XML file;
  autopano reads those files and constructs control points linking
pairs of images;
  autopano-sift-c combines both function, plus several enhancements,
in one program.
The combined program shares a great deal of code with the separate
ones.  The main differences are that it processes all the images; does
not write keypoint data to, or read them from, XML files;  can convert
images to stereographic projection before finding keypoints; and can
read source image information  from a Hugin project file.  Although it
ships as "autopano-sift-c", that name has always designated the two-
program package as well, so to avoid confusion let us call the
combined program by its name in the source code tree, "APSCpp".

There have been several reports of out-of-memory errors while running
"autopano-sift-c". It is possible that some might refer to
generatekeys/autopano, however nowadays people mostly run APSCpp, as a
Hugin plugin.  Moreover, the combined program would be more likely to
fail due to problems in the image processing stages, because it
processes a series of images while generatekeys handles only one.
However it is not clear whether these failures happened at the image
processing or the control point processing stage.  I am guessing it
was the first stage, because that normally has a far higher peak
memory demand than the second.

I know of no case in which such a failure has been replicated by a
second observer.  I have not yet been able to get APSCpp to exhaust
memory on either Windows or Linux.   And when I run it under a leak-
checking debugger (MSVC on Windows, valgrind on Linux) I see no sign
of memory leaks during the image processing phase.  Both tools report
a fairly large leak in the control point phase, which I will fix.
That is a one-time thing and could not cause a crash during image
processing.  But under some conditions (that I have not found) it
might conceivably build up to the point of exhausting all memory.

In short, the reported failures remain undiagnosed.  So I am appealing
to all interested parties to try to create a repeatable case where
APSCpp runs out of memory.

Meanwhile I propose to do the following:
-- fix the leaks that valgrind detects, in both the split and combined
-- enable APSCpp to read PTAssembler and PTGui project files;
-- read image alignments from project files, in preparation for layout-
guided CP placement;
-- remove the alignment options, as they don't work and are not likely
to be fixed;

And start thinking about how to use a preliminary alignment to guide
better placement of control points -- maybe even close that loop,
refining the alignment and CP selection iteratively.  This would be in
the spirit of autopano (which is apparently based on an early version
of Janney's excellent aligner).  I fully agree with Bruno that the
goal should just be to select better control points, not to determine
optimum image placement.  But I think we all agree that a decent trial
alignment would let us come up with better CPs (if only by throwing
out the completely bogus ones that APSC now produces fairly often) and
that some consistency checks on such a trial alignment would be

Best, Tom

At some point it might be nice to give APSCpp options to dump
keypoints to and read them from files (binary or plain text, not XML).
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