On Jul 20, 10:24 pm, Tom Sharpless <tksharpl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> PS I was wrong about that last.  PTAsm lets you choose between the
> equal-angle and equal area fisheye models, which is the right thing to
> do.
However it computes fov wrong for the equal area fisheye, so it's not

> -- Tom
> On Jul 20, 4:08 pm, Tom Sharpless <tksharpl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> > All of this indecision about which image axis to link to "fov" is
> > unnecessary and misleading, because fov is properly a secondary
> > quantity, derived from the following primaries:  focal length (in
> > pixels); image width (ditto); lens projection function (angle vs.
> > radius).
> > A sensible image processing program would show you the fovs on both
> > axes, or indeed in any direction you choose.
> > I'll repeat.  If you don't like to think about focal length, or the
> > idea of measuring it is pixels repels you, you don't have to think
> > about it at all.  The EXIF data from all modern cameras supplies the
> > necessary information, and your stitcher knows how to interpret that
> > (well maybe not PTGui, see below).  And in case you have a camera that
> > does not report focal plane resolution, you _should_ only have to
> > enter its sensor dimensions or crop factor once, and  your stitcher
> > _should_ be able to fetch that out of its camera data base or
> > preferences table from then on.  Hugin developers take note.
> > On Jul 20, 12:33 pm, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:
> > > On Mon 20-Jul-2009 at 07:53 -0700, Bart van Andel wrote:
> > > >Maybe FOV should be treated differently based on the lens type. This
> > > >does make sense, as for circular fisheye the given (or guessed) fov of
> > > >the lens is only the fov of the circle, not of the full frame.
> > > This is how ptgui does it.
> > I've noticed that.  And I just noticed something else odd about PTGui:
> > it gives a bogus crop factor for my Canon EOS 30D.
> > The correct crop factor, according to the EXIF focal plane resolution
> > data, is 1.60149, which is what Hugin 0.8 reports.  But PTGui 8.1 says
> > it is 1.5870.  I suppose this must be a bug, and have reported it on
> > the PTGui support board.
> > > Hugin does it the right way: the 'crop circle' for a circular
> > > fisheye simply indicates the outer area of the frame that should be
> > > ignored when rendering, it is unrelated to any other lens
> > > parameters.
> > But PTGui computes fisheye fovs according to the equal-area formula,
> > while Hugin still uses the inappropriate equal-angle formula (so does
> > PTAssembler 5.1).
> > Regards, Tom
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