I don't know who is the maintainer of the wiki page :

But it should be updated :

In the "Building Hugin" section
"Fetch the Source Code from SVN " should be :

svn co -r 4061  

In the same section, " Set the Build Environment "

The path in the line :

cmake ../hugin -DENABLE_LAPACK=YES

should be :

cmake ../hugin-2009.07.1 -DENABLE_LAPACK=YES

On Aug 7, 1:16 am, Kornel Benko <kornel.be...@berlin.de> wrote:
> Am Friday 07 August 2009 schrieb Gerald:
> > On Aug 6, 3:55 pm, cri <cri.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I run in the same error by following the wiki 
> > > here:http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_Compiling_Ubuntu. By browsing the svn
> > > tree in a web browser you could see that this branch doesn't exist.
> > I know, but the command line is :
> > svn co -r 
> > 4061https://hugin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/hugin/hugin/branches/releas...
> > hugin
> > I it return :
> > svn: Chemin '/svnroot/hugin/!svn/bc/4181/hugin/branches/
> > release-2009.07' non trouvé
> > Strange ???
> > > You could instead use this for 
> > > trunk:https://hugin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/hugin/hugin/trunk/.
> > Same thing with the trunk ....
> It is really not there.
> calling
> #svn lshttps://hugin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/hugin/hugin/branches
> before_gsoc2007/
> dangelo/
> gsoc2008_batch_processing/
> gsoc2008_feature_matching/
> gsoc2008_integration/
> gsoc2008_masking/
> gsoc2008_opengl_preview/
> gsoc2008_sky_identification/
> gsoc2009_deghosting/
> gsoc2009_layout/
> gsoc2009_lenscalibration/
> gsoc2009_mosaic/
> nona-gpu/
> vigra140-branch/
> ...
> but maybe 
> this?https://hugin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/hugin/hugin/tags/hugin-2009...
>         Kornel
> --
> Kornel Benko
> kornel.be...@berlin.de
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload
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