Compiles on Tom's (Sharpless) system - maybe he has it set up

The code actually uses jhead and exiv2 (as does SrcPanoImage.cpp).

I'll investigate removing the jhead stuff.


On 5 Sep, 11:31, Bruno Postle <> wrote:
> On Sat 05-Sep-2009 at 02:00 -0700, T. Modes wrote:
> >lens_calibrate is using jhead lib, but his library was removed from
> >hugin.
> We could reinclude jhead, but it was a very old version that Pablo
> turned into a library.
> The rest of hugin switched to exiv2 as jhead only supports JPEG, so
> really lens_calibrate needs to be fixed to use exiv2.
> >Furthermore lens_calibrate needs to add to CMakeLists.txt in src (see
> >patch):
> This needs to be applied, but obviously it breaks the build at the
> moment.
> --
> Bruno
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