Hello Harry,

I thought OS X users should know that they could change the plug-in
parameters. Your idea to save multiple parameter versions for the same
plug-in type is a great idea. If it were me creating the Hugin interface I
would not have the parameter settings accessible only in Peferences. I'd
have the setting available in the context where it is used. In other words
the parameters would be visible and easily changed with a double click on
their representation.  One way to do this would be to have the Peference
pane openable to the settings location upon that double click. That same
concept could be applied througout Hugin where applicable.

I don't know how the different os packages are created. It seems to me
that one can code the "parameter less" plugin concept without needing to
change the current the OS X plug-in structure. Hugin knows all about these
plug-in files. It can easily read each plug-in's argument line, report it in
Peferences and then alter the argument if needed.


On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:20 AM, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2009/9/8 AKS-Gmail-IMAP <aksei...@gmail.com>
>> Harry van der Wolf wrote regarding the "plug-in" method for AutoCP
>> matchers used in the OS X implementation:
>>   The disadvantage of Ippei's
>> implementation is that you can't change parameters which you can with
>> Thomas
>> solution.
>> Ah but Harry you can change easily the parameters for the OS X AutoCPs.
>>  In each of the OS X AutoCP packages is an XML property list plist file
>> called Info.plist.  OS X will open that file using the Property List Editor.
>> Using the editor you may change the "HginAutoCPArgs" key to be anything you
>> want. You may even keep the plist open after saving the change so to quickly
>> change the arguments for the next AutoCP run.
>> Allan
> Hi Allan,
> Thanks for your reply. I know that you can do that as I myself created a
> couple of them after the first release by Ippei.
> The same plist editor also gives you the chance to change the name
> displayed inside hugin. So you can copy them, change the parameters and
> displayed name and you have a "new" plugin
> The problem is that many users simply don't know where these plugins are or
> how to open them.
> I want to look into the option where we have "parameter less" plugins that
> can be selected and configured from the new Preferences panel.
> That leaves you with only one plugin per AutoCP creator, but you can call
> it many times based on the settings.
> Harry
> >

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