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Actually I don't have a question; I just want to report that I compiled
the current version (4393) on a debian-lenny/t42-thinkpad with an ati
graphic-chip yesterday and did a little bit of testing.

"Show control points" works great. Would it be possible to make the dot
size adjustable?

GPU - remapping:
If I check "remapped images" as output option on the stitcher tab, I get
an error massage saying my graphic chip does not support a -g option.
If I only ask for blended or enfused and blended or vice versa,
stitching works fine. I don't really understand this because the images
have to be remapped in both cases, don't they? Anyway, gpu remapping
didn't speed things up (at least I didn't notice) -- that's probably due
to my old ati onboard chip.

On the quickpreview there are some artefacts on some (but not all)
pictures. This does not occur when the preview is opened for the first
time. Selecting (or unselecting) photometrics solves this problem until
this window is closed and opened again.
However this might be my personal opengl problem as I'm having this
issue since the quickpreview was introduced.

Thank you very much for the new "blend and fuse", this solves some
Problems I was having before.

cheers, lukas
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