On 09/14/2009 07:21 AM, Yuval Levy wrote:
> Panorama stitching and more. A powerful software package for creation 
> and processing of panoramic images.
> A hugin-2009.2.0_beta4 (beta release 4) tarball is available here:
> <https://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin-2009.2_beta/hugin-2009.2.0_beta4.tar.gz/download>

Clicking the above link gives a 404 File not found.
Going through the sourceforge pages gives teh error

> Unable to find any mirror information for the "/hugin-2009.2.0_beta4.tar.gz" 
> file. Please select another file. 

which is claimed to be fixed by the sourceforge people:


Best regards

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