Yuval Levy twisted the bytes to say:

 Yuval> dmg wrote:
 >> Would it be possible for someone to describe in the libpano mailing
 >> list what the problem is?

 Yuval> I tried. Seems that my message "awaits moderation".

Hi Yuv,

I don't know who is the moderator of the panotools-devel.

Bruno, Jim, do you know who that person is?

But at the very least, send me directly bug reports and I'll triage
them.  I am committed to fix them if they are accompanied with a good

I'd really like to have any discussions on libpano on the
panotools-devel mailing list. It helps with traceability and

Daniel M. German                  
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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