CacheEntry: 1last access: 10 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1
Image: /home/drbeams/Photos/20090914/IMG_2042.JPG
CacheEntry: 1last access: 7 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1
Image: /home/drbeams/Photos/20090914/IMG_2043.JPG
CacheEntry: 1last access: 8 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1
Image: /home/drbeams/Photos/20090914/IMG_2044.JPG
CacheEntry: 1last access: 5 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1
Image: /home/drbeams/Photos/20090914/IMG_2045.JPG
CacheEntry: 1last access: 6 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1
0x9b30fdc: 20%
Number of images 2
Optimizing Variables
Segmentation fault

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