2009/9/19 Lukáš Jirkovský <l.jirkov...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone!
> From today I'm finally quite content about state of the deghosting
> project. Everything is tested and I don't see any major problems with
> it. With this mail I ask everyone willing to test some "new" code.
> What I need most:
> Compilation on frequently used platforms:
>  Linux – it works here on Archlinux so I guess that it should work in
> other distributions but I'll still welcome reports from other
> distributions
>  Windows – with Thomas' help it have been made to compile on widows
>  Mac OS X – I don't know about any attempts to compile it on OS X

It compiles fine on OSX using cmake, already for quite some time. I never
mentioned it or tested it as you were continuously developing (I don't like
chasing a moving target) and, off course, I had this 6 weeks "black hole"
when I didn't have a mac.

I just added it to the Xcode project. It took some "Sherlock Holmes" like
detective work before I understood that the complete old deghosting folder
had been "replaced".  I can't add this XCode changes to the
gsoc2009_deghosting trunk for merge later on as that doesn't work. I have to
redo this when when your work is merged to the development trunk (or 2009.4)
but that's no problem. Now that I've worked it out and written it down it's
10 minutes work.

> Testing hugin_hdrmerge:
> Windows and OS X testing is needed. Since I've completely rewrote
> deghosting implementation it would be nice to test it. But please, do
> not consider different results as regression. There are also some
> other fixes (eg. avg_slow should work now)

Since you've been working so hard on this, I assume you have one or more
test sets with final images/panos (with/without deghosting). Could you make
them available to us? In this case we can compare results and track down
where it functions well and where not (and why).

> Testing deghosting_mask:
> I hope the usage text is self explaining. Area where ghosting appear
> should be black in resulting masks. These masks can be used with
> enfuse-mask to allow deghosting in enfuse. Unfortunately it doesn't
> work with small artifacts (like moving branches). I hope I'll be able
> to improve this in future. To be honest integration directly into the
> enfuse has much worse results than this but I've different approach in
> mind.
Again: Do you have test sets?

> final note:
> Yes, I know that it's slow. You can get noticeable speedup by passing
> -a f option to both deghosting_mask and hugin_hdrmerge. This will turn
> off using processing images as color but it also results in worse
> results. This option is similar to the old deghosting code.
> thanks for your time,
> Lukáš

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