The order seems fine, though obviously it can change as soon as the 
first one goes in.

I think in general if there is nothing major broken in the trunk, 
and a stable release branch is still going through the beta/rc 
steps, then this is an indication that something new should go into  
the trunk.

i.e if after adding cpclean, the branch is still not released and 
the trunk is still ok then we should think about adding deghosting 
or autocrop.

On Sun 20-Sep-2009 at 09:52 -0400, Yuval Levy wrote:
>1. control-point [cleaning] (Thomas). Passed all maturity tests and
>ready for trunk.
>2. gsoc_2009_[deghosting] (Lukáš). Passed maturity b-c, being tested for
>maturity a.
>3. autocrop (Gary). Needs some GUI work. Functionality tested to work on
>Linux (Gary, Bruno, Yuv)
>4. gsoc_2009_[layout] (James). Needs some work
>5. gsoc_2008_[masking] (Fahim). Needs work. Gerry has contacted Fahim
>and is now working on it.
>6. vigra-1.6 (Lukáš): it has been decided to push the changes upstream;
>wait for vigra-1.7 with the changes; then make Hugin work with
>[vigra]-1.7. @Lukáš and @Pablo: what does it take to prepare Lukáš' work
>to go into vigra; and how do we make it available to vigra?
>7. gsoc_2008_feature_[matching] (Onur). Needs a lot of work and is
>unlikely to get to a higher maturity level before the other changes in
>the queue.


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